Monday, January 4

Glass ceiling? No! Keep the Stiletto floor

A trendy gender descriptive in corporate America is 'the glass ceiling.' The concept specifically refers to the value of women in the business world. When women achieve success in their professional careers particularly in leadership positions one might hear "there she goes breaking the glass ceiling." Although, you may have to ease drop on conversations or loiter at the water cooler to hear it but you can definitely hear it. Or, you can choose to trust me on this if you have no handy water cooler to hang around.

Trendy is good. Everyone wants a part of trendy. So a good tagline or fun jingle can propel a concept into realty where everyone wants to be an occupant. Thus, the glass ceiling concept has rapidly highlighted women in leadership and increased organizations to desire more women in leadership. Desireability is marketable. The up side is there seems to be more women in leadership. Often as in executive leadership and occupying positions on corporate boards. The downside is sometimes in their quest to climb the corporate ladder women are losing their gender identification or leaving their unique perspective at the conference room door.

Although, mini-skirts do not belong in the boardroom, femininity does. In other words, the strength of an executive team lies in the ability to assess situations or consider new ideas from multiple perspectives. If we abandon who we are at the core then we decrease the views available to see the world and effect change. So ladies, keep your stilettos, bring your female perspectives, and lets leave the ceiling intact. Success comes to those who bring their best game not those trying to conform to an assumed picture of success. You don't have to blend to win. Game on!

The Never Acquired Art of Communication

For goodness sake my friends, how long is it going to take mankind and well womankind to learn to communicate with each other? Communication...